Enjoying our first trip to Lake Martinez, AZ "the river". Good times! Finding our new normal.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Right from the horse's mouth

I talked with Jeff tonight to get this update. First time it comes directly from him. Whoop! Whoop!

So many wins I don't know where to begin...

Jeff got another Shamu shower today. Wednesday is the last day of the IV. No more tubes! No more tubes!

Jeff gets up at 8am and gets dressed and into his wheelchair. From there, it's breakfast and occupational therapy exercises. OT consists of every day things like rolling over to sit up. Jeff is blown away by the many techniques they show him and how much he can do with just a little practice and repetition.

At 10am, Jeff heads to physical therapy for a few hours. Things are going well. The therapists tell him that he is accomplishing things in 2 days that take others 2 weeks. The current estimate for his length of stay is 6 weeks - nothing firm yet, but he is fighting for that goal.

After lunch, Jeff says "it's freedom." Freedom to go where he wants and do what he wants. The rec room, his room for a nap, anywhere he so pleases.

He is getting better sleep, but they still have to wake him frequently. However, this morning, that mama bear we all know as Amanda scared off 4 people while he was sleeping. They had some procedures to do, but she said no way. They came back later - I would, too. Just sayin.

My favorite part of our conversation...Jeff said most of his food cravings since he woke up have been FRUIT. How cool is that?! I've been trying to make that guy eat healthier forever. Love, love this news.

Keep up the hard work, Jeff. Every win gets a big cheer from the crowd. We love it!


  1. So happy to hear of such progress!!! And, I'd totally be scared of Amanda #1 if I was a nurse trying to wake her sleeping bear!
    Much Love <3

  2. Excellent Amanda!! Jeff, we all knew you could do this! Keep up the great progress! you'll reach any goal you set your mind to...especially with "mama bear" by your side! :o) WTG! And I promise, no more IV comments lol I even fixed it!

  3. YAY! Looking forward to seeing you tonight, bud!

  4. Awesome news...keep up the good work, and keep posting your progress....your earning the name Ava calls you.... "Extreme Jeff".....smiles....

  5. I still tear up....U get me every time! So great to hear how well you are doing! Keep eating that fruit and get off the gluten.... no more carb-a-saurus! Love you!

  6. That is some exciting shit, Jeff! Wish I could be there to witness such progress first hand. Guess I will keep reading about it on ye 'ole blog. How about a hot nurse update?
