Enjoying our first trip to Lake Martinez, AZ "the river". Good times! Finding our new normal.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Mr. Positive Attitude

The nurses and staff are raving about Jeff's positive attitude. Each day he and the respiratory therapist go over goals for him to accomplish. He wants to know the goals so, "I can exceed them!"

Jeff is spending more time awake and engaged each day, and he is doing everything he can to get better and get out of that ICU. While doing his respiratory therapy exercises on Friday, he declared, "Bam! I got this." and, the nurse replied, "You're a rock star!"

While Jeff may still have ups and downs, his positive attitude is winning. He shows excitement over the wins - big or small. He said, "I thought being able to talk again was cool, and then they brought that brace in and tried to push me. That's the coolest thing to happen since I got here."

The number one goal is to get him off that ventilator, and each day he moves a little closer. They'll begin some new treatments over the next couple of days to start expanding and exercising Jeff's lungs. On Monday, they plan to put a smaller trach tube in.

Stay positive, Rock Star! You are inspiring us with all your hard work.


  1. More good news...love waking up to more and more good news. Now that you are a rock star, you need a rock star name! Let's see...Kid Rock is taken...How about 'Jeffy Jeff and the Big Attitude'??!! Hey what do you expect at 6:00 in the morning!!! LOL
    Love you and keep up the great work.

  2. Fun Guy we always knew you are a ROCK STAR!! Glad to see the good news, keep it coming!

    Love Roze

  3. PS... Catch ya for the BACHELOR buzz tomorrow!!!

  4. Thinking about you every day Jeff! The Tominator and I are sending positive vibes your way!

  5. Awesome news! Keep the positive attitude! Hugs from up north ;)
