Enjoying our first trip to Lake Martinez, AZ "the river". Good times! Finding our new normal.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Movin Up and Movin Out

Check it out, folks. The big guy is moving to his new digs TODAY! 1:30pm PST, Jeff is headed to the Sharps Rehab Facility.

It's closer to home - just a 10 minute drive for Amanda and the moms - 15 minutes shorter that the current ride to the hospital.

The best part of today, in my opinion, is that Jeff finally gets to put on his own clothes. He is going to shed that hospital gown and wear a good old t-shirt. I recommended that they burn the hospital gown - maybe a nice big bonfire to celebrate, roasting some marshmallows would be nice.

He is moving with the trach, but it should be gone in a few days.

Jeff had a slew of visitors to his 5th floor digs last night - of course, they come out of the woodwork when you move up, right?!

Amanda has been back to work a little this week, and she anticipates going back part-time once he gets settled in the rehab center.

All-in-all, Jeff is feeling pretty good and ready to get moving.


  1. Wonderful news!!!! So glad to hear this!! Jeff you have always been a fighter!!! Keep up the good work, and soon we will be hearing that you are moving again. Continue love and prayers from MI.

  2. Way to go....Ahead of schedule as expected....keep sprites up...and positive thoughts going....and get ready to start the rehab grind...lots of work, means lots of results...all my love, and prayers...daily!!

  3. Great news! Will be sending you 'things' in the mail soon. Hard work ahead, but your determination will keep you going in a positive direction. I expect a HUGE turnout at Zumba's this weekend for a very special guy! Prayers as always. Love Aunt Tonya

  4. Glad to hear of your progress! You'll be in good hands at Sharp. I'll see you there soon!
