Enjoying our first trip to Lake Martinez, AZ "the river". Good times! Finding our new normal.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 6: A day of rest

As expected, not a lot of change today, but a few good notes:

1. They are reducing one of the meds to start letting Jeff become more alert over the next couple of days.
2. The mucus in his lungs is continuing to break up and decrease.
3. He is largely breathing on his own.

We do expect him to remain on the ventilator for another 2-3 days. But, provided things continue to improve, we're making progress.

We warned the staff about number 1 above - they'd better call in the tough guys. As one nurse said, "Shhh, let the lion rest."


  1. Thanks for the updates. That Lion attitude will serve Jeff well. Keep positive guys.

  2. Thank you for this blog, the sense of humor in the midst of all of this is really nice :) Looking forward to no ventilator, missing UJ's words of wisdom and opinions!

  3. Glad to hear that he continues to improve and move forward in his progress to getting well...Just don't tell him the Lions are done yet...but then again they did play decent in the first half...sending all of you our thoughts, prayers, and hugs to you. Just remember Jeffy is a fighter and that is proven...God Bless and thanks for the continued updates....

  4. Thanks to all of the Incredible kind people that are doing everything that they are to be there for Jeff and Mandy. As difficult as it is being so far away, hearing of the good things that are being done by all of their friends, surely is comforting.
    Thank you all!!
