Enjoying our first trip to Lake Martinez, AZ "the river". Good times! Finding our new normal.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 4 Update

It's been a good day. Jeffy got a shampoo, head massage and style from his loving wife by way of a shampoo cap - who knew they made shower caps with shampoo built right in?! We all know how much he loves having good hair - he's all pretty again.

Unfortunately, Rene had to assist the nurse with his restraints and help tie his arm down. I secretly enjoyed it, but we'll keep that between us.

The positive side to the restraint is that he clearly has full use of his arms and hands and a LOT of strength. In fact, he flicked the oxygen sensor right off his index finger with a lot of attitude. We've since moved it to his toe.

Speaking of his feet, his new high-tech blue boot arrived today. It helps keep his tendons from tightening up and prevents foot drop. Every couple of hours they switch the boot from one foot to the other.

The mucus in his lungs is breaking up and decreasing. They'll continue to monitor it through the night and into tomorrow, but it appears he is making good progress.

We have a long way to go, so hang tight and stay positive.

Good night!


  1. I love to hear about how much energy he has! I'm sure he will give you an earful soon enough. Hang in there and thank you for the updates. I think about you both often and pray for you both throughout the day. See you soon again at the BC.
    Jackie & Brian

  2. I don't know who you are, but bless you for taking the time to keep us all updated on Jeff's progress! Thank you! I'm very happy to hear that things are positively progressing! I know he has it in him!

  3. Amada keep the updates coming. With every update it seems like Jeff is progressing. We love you.

  4. I'm with Unknown. Thanks for starting up and maintaining this blog so diligently for those of us who are really concerned about Jeff's condition and how Amanda is holding up, but are trying hard to just stay out of the way. I check the blog twice a day, and the updates are much appreciated. Chin up, guys! There are a TON of people pulling for Jeff.

  5. good thoughts and prayers...I love your attitude and humor...it will help both of you!!!
