Enjoying our first trip to Lake Martinez, AZ "the river". Good times! Finding our new normal.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Out of Surgery: So Far, So Good

Jeff is OK and out of surgery. He is resting now and we won't know much until Monday when he is awake and further assessment can be made.

The shunt is in place and there are NO signs of permanent nerve damage to his arms and hands.  Raise your hands in the AI-ER!

The doctor said shunts can be a little tricky because they can clog and/or move, but the surgery was as successful as could be and feelings are optimistic.

The glass is half full, people. Get some rest and send Jeff your thoughts and prayers.


  1. This is wonderful news for Jeff, a man that loves to live his life to the fullest each day.

  2. Good news and will keep you and Jeff in my prayers as always. Hang in there big guy!!!

  3. SOOOO Glad to hear the great news! We <3 ya Fun Guy!!!

    Rob, Roze & Emma too!

  4. Jeff :) I'm glad you're out of surgery and resting, sending my positive energy your way (and Amanda too!)

  5. That's great news! Sending positive thoughts, guys! If you look on the bright side, Jeff now has something called a Shunt, which is also pretty cool.
