Sunday, February 5, 2012

First Week Down - Topped Off with a Special Visit

Jeff said this week "flew by." There were good days and bad days, but he made a lot of progress this week. Activities included:

  • practicing transitions from bed to wheelchair and back again - Jeff can do this all on his own power now.
  • balancing practice on tables with mats - one day he could hold himself up for 17 seconds and the next day for 1 full minute!
  • weight training of various sorts - strengthening his arms and upper body. 
  • a day in the kitchen learning how to navigate around a kitchen from the refrigerator to the stove. I was surprised that Jeff even knows what a stove looks like.

A surprise visit from the kids - Ally AND Jacks got to visit Jeff on Saturday. Amanda surprised him, coaxed him outside and there were the pups. They were both so excited to see him - Jeff said Jacks was so excited it surprised him. They made Jeff cry - so overjoyed to see his furry pals...Brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.

The trainers told Jeff that he made so much progress in the first week! Let's all wish Jeff an even more successful second week. Go get 'em, buddy!

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